Pillars of Enchantment

Reading blogs was becoming a habit especially during lunch, when everybody is taking their nap. Here's one that is eye-catching and it pertains to how you are going to enchant people and basically like you.

The Pillars are  as follows:
  1. Likability. If people don’t like you, they’re not going to listen to you, let alone purchase your product or service. People prefer to do business with people that they like, so it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to see that one of the best ways to develop relationships with your audience is to be likable. You smile when you meet someone in real life, and you can send a friendly greeting when you meet someone online.
  2. Trustworthiness. You must do what you say you’re going to do when you say you’re going to do it. If you develop a reputation as unreliable, dishonest or questionable, you won’t enchant people. You develop trustworthiness by trusting others first, dealing fairly with everyone you meet, and making your conflicts of interest visible to people.
  3. Quality. Arguably the most important of the pillars, everything you produce must be worth reading, buying, or just spending time thinking about. Great products and services are DICEE: deep, intelligent, complete, empowering, and elegant. Think about Apple’s products – you want to be the Apple of your market.

According to the author, the foundation of social media are elements that are timeless – they worked in Dale Carnegie’s time, and they still work today, which is likeability, trustworthiness and quality as indicated above.

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